Mt Clarence King
2 September 2018

We got a solid crew together for this trip. The plan was to hang out in Sixty Lake Basin and have a go at Mt Clarence King, Mt Cotter, and Mt Gardiner for a mini-peaks marathon. Members included Craig J, Bill, Ting, and Garrett and myself of course. This isn’t a trip report but rather an excuse to post a few memes we generated in the process of planning for the trip. They mostly revolve around Garrett’s extreme stoke for bagging big batches of peaks.

Garrett plans his next sierra club peaks trip
doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Garrett starting to get impatient with us

It was just another sublime late summer outing in the High Sierra. As good as it gets. Half the reason I make these posts is to give myself a reason to wistfully rifle through old pics from the gang and relive the happy times. If you can’t tell, I’m actually writing this in winter, stuck inside, dreaming of mountains!

Rae Lakes
the ~20-foot 5th class section to access the summit block — I’m standing below a thin hands crack (aidable with 0.5 and 0.75 C4s), but you can also climb the chimney to the right
Charlotte Dome
negotiating the summit block
happy climbers
Mt Clarence King

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